• Moderator - Tanya Nixon, AFLAC
    Ericka Castro, Salt River Projects (SRP)
    Lynn Reddrick, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
    Karim Bailey, Southwest Gas

    Austin Knight, Martin-Harris Construction
    Rheya Gujar, FHLBank San Francisco
    Rhoda Hassad, MGM Resorts
    Ken Ashford, MWD
    Elizabeth Bordi, Sony Pictures
    Brittany Parkinson, Turner Construction
    Vaughn Farris, WBENC
    Quentin O'Neal, Layton Construction
  • List item four


RPO Pitch Competition
Sept.  17, 2024
9:00 - 10:30 am

The Top 15 will Pitch live to a panel of Corporate Judges!

Come and help the panel of judges as they select the Top 3 Pitch Winners to represent WBEC-West at
WBENC RPO Semi-Final Pitch Competition to complete for a chance to win cash prizes!


Breakfast Pitch Competition
Sept. 19, 2024
8:30 am - 10:30 am

The Pitch breakfast is designed to connect WBEs to each other and corporate representatives while providing a space for business owners to share information about their company and compete for prizes.

There will be up to 10 individuals at each table and scorecards at each seat.  Each person will have 60 seconds to give their pitch, and everyone at their table will score them. At the end of the pitches the table will have 5 minutes to tally the scores and identify the table winner.

Table winners will come to the front of the room.
The judges are introduced.

There can be up to 30 individuals pitching and they have 1 minute and will then leave the stage. At the end, we will tally the scores, the 3 pitch competition winners will be announced.